What YOU can do!
The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Northern Cheyenne Nation is a 501c3 non profit organization and contributions are tax deductible. We provide a safe, structured and positive environment for young people after school, during holidays and summer vacation.
We appreciate your support. It is through the generosity of individuals, businesses, organizations and foundations that we are able to continue to provide programs and services to the youth in our communities.
We Provide:
A safe place to learn and grow
Ongoing relationships with caring, adult professionals
Life-enhancing programs and character development experiences
Hope and opportunity
Wish List
-Art and School supplies (paper, pencils, glue, rulers, etc.)
-Age-appropriate books
-Gardening tools and supplies
-Water Hose
-Foosballs & Air hockey pucks
NOTE: Internal Revenue Service does not permit us to place a value on donated items. IRS regulations may be found at www.irs.gov/ so you can determine the best method for your gift or consult with your tax advisor